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    Q: What is the link to register for the portal, or log-in..I lost it?

    A: No worries it happens! 

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    Q: How do we earn commissions?

    A: You earn a cash commission from any orders paid-in full that were generated via your affiliate link provided to the WAHES website. Commissions ranges between 4-6% depending on the items purchased.

    Q: When do we get paid on commissions?

    A: Our system is automated. Once your account reaches $25 in affiliate commission you will be eligible to cash-out using one of the approved payment methods (Paypal and CashApp). Allow up to 72-hours for payment processing from the requested cash-out time.

    Q: When do we receive commission for Retail Installment Contract sales?

    A: All commissions on orders currently in an RIC-plan will be paid out, once the installment plan has been successfully completed and paid in full. It will only appear to your portal once it's paid. Until then we will monitor this as unpaid earnings.

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